How to Prepare Your Home to Prevent Disaster

The powers of nature sometimes cannot be tamed or contained, however, a number of household disasters can be prevented with careful preparation. Here are some simple ways to prevent a plethora of disasters with tried and true smart devices.

Smoke Detectors to Ward off Homegrown Fires

One of the most disastrous yet preventable tragedies is accidental fire damage. Just from candles alone, 15,000 homes a year experience entirely preventable fires. With the prevalence of accidental fire damage, installing smoke alarms in your home is one of the smartest investments a homeowner can make. Even though these products have been around for decades, current smoke detectors are smarter than ever and can alert you of a fire whether you are at home or away.

Avoid Silent, Noxious Carbon Monoxide

Our brains train us to avoid dangerous sights through conditioning, but what about invisible dangers? Carbon monoxide detection is only required in half of American states, however, it is always wise to have at least one in the home. Whether you accidentally left the car running in the garage or the water heater malfunctioned, a smart carbon monoxide detector can let you know of the silent killer before it’s too late.

How to Prepare Your Home to Prevent Disaster

Find out About Flooding Without Dipping Your Toes

In this situation, you probably don’t need to put a foot in the water to know if it is fine or not. With causes ranging from astounding natural disasters to a single busted pipe, flooding is one of the most common contributors to property damage. Since flooding is not always preventable, the best strategy for combating water damage is early detection. Luckily, smart flood sensors are available to notify you at the earliest sign of abnormal water levels so you can fix the issue before it gets out of hand.